Categorized as: Workout

Taming Testosterone Troubles

Men: Have you had difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, or are you suffering from low mood or libido? Have you gained body fat, lost muscle or begun to struggle with depression or lack of motivation? Low testosterone levels may be to blame. Ten years ago, the Endocrine Society reported that men had approximately 20% less testosterone than their fathers’ generation at exactly the same age (Travison et al. 2006). This has led to a growing trend of people using testosterone creams and gels to boost lagging levels….

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Fat Loss Myths In The Diet Industry

fat loss myths revealed

Fat Loss Myths In The Diet Industry   Contributed By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES There are A LOT off fat loss myths in the diet industry on the BEST ways to lose fat. And, if you’re like most people, then you may have fallen for one – or more – of these common fat loss myths. What are they? Well, I’m so glad you asked… Cracking The Diet Code When you think about it, dieting and losing weight isn’t that much work.  You need to eat right… Exercise… And…

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Diseases – Can This One Activity Kill You?

man sitting all day

Can This ONE Activity KILL You?     By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES For most people, too much time is spent SITTING at their desk, with very little movement throughout the day. Past and current research shows that people who sit for long periods of time throughout the day (for instance working a desk job), may be at risk for developing certain diseases. And those diseases are: • Obesity • Type 2 diabetes • Some cancers • Heart disease These diseases may SHORTEN your life span, if you are not careful. Now, for some interesting…

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