Eating The Right Foods To Lose Body Fat

Eating The Right Foods To Lose Body Fat

 Strategic Meal Planning: Eating The Right Foods To Lose Body Fat! The definition of confusion in the dictionary should read: Eating the right foods to lose body fat. One of the most misunderstood things, when it comes to weight management is nutrition. Even though the process is really quit simple, and not rocket science, marketing companies have made it very confusing and almost impossible for YOU, the average consumer to figure out how to eat healthy, but more importantly how to eat the right foods to lose body fat. Not…

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Don’t Worry, Be Healthy

New research highlights the power of the mind and the influence of our perceptions on disease chances. Healthy people who worry about having a heart attack have a higher possibility of heart disease, independent of other risk factors, compared with those who don’t worry, according to a study in BMJ Open (2016; doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012914). A preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness is an anxiety disorder. People with health anxiety, known as the “worried well,” often have symptoms similar to heart disease—such as chest discomfort, palpitations, nausea, sweating and…

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Taming Testosterone Troubles

Men: Have you had difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, or are you suffering from low mood or libido? Have you gained body fat, lost muscle or begun to struggle with depression or lack of motivation? Low testosterone levels may be to blame. Ten years ago, the Endocrine Society reported that men had approximately 20% less testosterone than their fathers’ generation at exactly the same age (Travison et al. 2006). This has led to a growing trend of people using testosterone creams and gels to boost lagging levels….

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Is Your Vitamin Water Making You Fat?

dangers of vitamin water

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES Go To Original Article As a health-conscious consumer, you are constantly on the lookout for health food options that will trim your waistline and improve your overall health. The only problem is: there are many “health” foods that come to mind that may be anything but that. In fact, one of the biggest ones that may come to mind would be vitamin-fortified drinks. Have you been mesmerized by the endless colors… The marketing hype surrounding these “health” products… Or, that you can get BOTH…

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Staying Committed To Your Weight Loss Program

how do you stay committed to your workout program?

I am not going to lie, staying committed to your weight loss program is tough. Achieving your health and fitness goals is a lot of work. Even when people hire me as their personal trainer, it still requires some self discipline to eat healthy and do the extra cardiovascular required to see results. Some clients eventually fall to the wayside not staying committed. To give you the best possible chance of staying committed to your weight loss program and succeeding, I will give you some of the best tips I…

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food labels lie about trans fat!

Step #1: STOP Trusting Food Labels (They’re NOT trustworthy) Everyone believes reading labels is a good way to determine if a food is healthy or not – but that’s only partially true. To make more money from uneducated consumers, most food manufacturers use dirty little tricks to hide dangerous and fattening ingredients in common foods that you eat everyday. And worst of all, these fake ingredients are specifically designed to make you ADDICTED to their stuff. One of many examples is “trans fats”. If you don’t know by now, this…

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Skipping Meals Leads To Muscle Loss & Fat Storage

Skipping Meals Leads To Muscle Loss & Fat Storage   By Las Vegas Certified Personal Trainer Mark Lani  In today’s on-the-go world, fast food has become, for some, a necessary part of daily life. Unfortunately this often means chowing down on grease, salt, and more grease, a habit, which inevitably leads to weight gain. So the dilemma stands—you need food on the go, but $.99 cent burritos end up expanding your waistline. With all the carbohydrate hype and fad diets out there, it’s confusing to the average consumer on what…

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Testosterone Injections good or bad?

I got a cool tip on what NOT to do in order to Boost your testosterone levels.  This tip is courtesy of my good friend, Chad Howse.  Here it is… ============================================= It took a long time, but through much trial and error I finally learned that there is no magic pill, powder, or potion that would fix my muscle resistance, or any of my client’s fat loss resistance. There is, however, a magic hormone: testosterone. There’s a reason why endurance athletes, bodybuilders, fighters, football players, and elite athletes world-wide try…

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The One Drink For A Faster Metabolism

You may wake up a few minutes early and make a cup of this in the morning. Or you may just wait for your morning commute and stop at your favorite bistro or coffee shop.   No matter where you get it, coffee has been shown to be a great way to start your day – not only mentally but physiologically as well! However, due to common misconceptions about coffee’s health benefits, many people may turn to other caffeinated alternatives – such as energy drinks, diet soda, or soda –…

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How to make healthy hot cocoa that boosts your metabolism.

If you have a chocolate weakness, this will not only help you survive…but burn more fat in the process. Plus, this concoction is LOADED with super powerful antioxidants in the cocoa which can fight the aging process, control blood sugar, and help maintain healthy blood pressure. Not only that, but it contains healthy fats called MCTs that can even have a slight metabolism-boosting effect as well as immune-boosting benefits. Here goes… Buy some unsweetened organic cocoa powder (NOT the pre-packaged hot chocolate garbage that is usually loaded with sugar, corn…

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