Categorized as: Supplementation

Is Your Vitamin Water Making You Fat?

dangers of vitamin water

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES Go To Original Article As a health-conscious consumer, you are constantly on the lookout for health food options that will trim your waistline and improve your overall health. The only problem is: there are many “health” foods that come to mind that may be anything but that. In fact, one of the biggest ones that may come to mind would be vitamin-fortified drinks. Have you been mesmerized by the endless colors… The marketing hype surrounding these “health” products… Or, that you can get BOTH…

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How To Improve Your Testosterone Levels Part 2

how to improve your testosterone levels

How To Improve Your Testosterone Levels – Part 2   By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES In part one we explored diet, exercise, and some herbs, and how they can help to naturally increase your testosterone levels.  In part 2, we will explore how sex, body fat levels, and other herbs might help increase your testosterone levels naturally. Here are four more ways to naturally increase your testosterone levels: Sex When testosterone levels decrease, so does the desire to be sexually active.  This can be due to the aging process, or to…

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How To Instantly Improve Testosterone Levels

how to improve your testosterone levels

How To INSTANTLY Improve Your Testosterone Levels By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES Our bodies contain two types of testosterone.  One is the kind that is bound to a type of hormone and is responsible for dictating to the body how much free testosterone there is.  The other form is testosterone that is free and unbound, and is the form of testosterone that is metabolized by the cells for use. The job of testosterone is important in the body.   Testosterone helps aid in development of different systems in the body from the…

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The Journey Part 1: Prohormones & What They Can Do For You!

Prohormones the safe alternative to steroids

The Journey, Part 1: Prohormones; what can they do for me? Over the next few weeks we are going on a journey, we are going to explore prohormones and how they can have such a huge positive impact on our journey towards our goals. Along with learning about prohormones, also covered in future articles in this series will be the five most important aspects to anyone looking to improve their physique: smart training, sensible nutrition, supplementation, goal setting and motivation. These articles are here to help you understand how best…

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The Journey Part 3: Training For Maximum Fat Loss

the journey part 3: training for maximum fat loss!

The Journey Part 3: Training for maximum fat loss: Welcome back, this is part 3 of the journey. We’ve now covered prohormones. You now know how they can help you with making lean muscle gains, and which ones are best to take. In this article we’re gonna start delving in to training for maximum fat loss. This will include what exercises to do, the reps, sets, and rest times, all of which will help you with getting shredded! Over the winter months you’ve been bulking, gaining muscle mass, getting stronger,…

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6 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits with a las vegas personal trainer and nutritionist

6 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (No. 3 is Best) By Kris Gunnars | 1,071,578 views For centuries, vinegar has been used for various household and cooking purposes. It is also an ancient folk remedy, claimed to help with all sorts of health problems. The most popular vinegar in the natural health community is Apple Cider Vinegar. It is claimed to lead to all sorts of beneficial effects… some of which are supported by science. This includes weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and improved symptoms of diabetes. Here…

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Double Your Fat Loss With These 4 Steps

double your fat loss with these steps

Double Your Fat Loss with These Steps Winter is upon us, and you want to drop that fat as soon as possible. If this is your first time cutting using these 4 simple steps will save you a lot of wasted time and frustration. After reading this article and applying 1 or all of the 4 tips outlined here you will be well on your way to getting shredded, and being leaner, and healthier this summer.  Although it still takes time to get as lean as possible, utilizing these tips…

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The Role Of Electrolytes In The Body!

The importance of an electrolyte

The Role Of Electrolytes In The Body Electrolytes are minerals found in bodily fluids that carry an electric charge and are essential to keeping the heart, nerves and muscles functioning properly. As such, it is important to maintain a precise and constant balance of electrolytes to stay healthy. The kidneys play an important role in ensuring that electrolyte levels remain invariant despite any changes the body may undergo. Having an excess or an insufficiency of electrolytes in the body can be dangerous and in some cases fatal. Electrolyte Function One…

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