
Gaining Strength and Burning Fat

During Level 1 CONDITIONING of the E4L program you will be introduced to many different exercises that are designed to make your body stronger and jump start your fat burning furnace. By incorporating the basic principles of my strength training cable routines with random fat burning blasts, you will start to feel stronger, more flexible and see yourself getting leaner.  You will dive head first into beginner L1 Yoga, basic abdominal and core exercises, getting your body and core prepared for the transformation ahead!


Building & Toning

During Level 2 TONE you will learn the core elements to getting the most out of your workout. I will personally show you 4 secrets known only to a select group of fitness professionals, that will produce a long lean, tone physique.  You will learn the basic principles of slowly incorporating free-weights into your cable routines. You will begin to notice more energy and how much stronger you are getting each week as others begin to notice the changes in you. Incorporating L2 core, abs, & Yoga!


Intermediate Free-Weights

In Level 3 REMODEL everything changes. You have learned a lot over the last 2 levels and It is now time to learn intermediate free-weight principles involving specialized training techniques that prepare your physiology for future muscle growth. This not only improves blood supply to the muscles but it
actually remodels the connective tissue. This technique sets up the real muscle
and strength-building phases to come. You will follow a new menu plan to maximize your results.


Advanced Free-Weight Technique

Building on Level 3 in SCULPT we move forward with the 2nd part of free-weight training. It is here that you start to see your hard work paying off. You now have lost body fat and you can now feel and see muscle definition that you are sculpting. Through a specific technique I will show you how to dig deeper and challenge your muscles to grow, all while burning fat efficiently. Incorporating L3 core, abs, Yoga and many more surprises!


Switch & Burn Training

Level 5 BURN is the final level of the Engineering4life Beginner Series but its not the end! During this level you will push yourself to new heights where mind over body is required to complete each routine. Incorporating intermediate free weight training with your advanced cable routines, adding core movements during each exercise, you will push passed your potential and wake up muscles that you never knew could exist. Your body will feel tighter and look toned, your stomach will be flatter, you will have more energy and sex drive than you have had in years and you will feel years younger!


"Now that you have lost inches and pounds of body fat and replaced it with firm, lean muscle, you can really see the results from the past months on the Engineering4life Total Body Make-over Program. You have a new found confidence and you are the topic of conversation everywhere you go! People can't believe the new and improved you. If you think you look great now just wait until you see what I have in store for you next....GET READY for my Extreme Series PI4LX Levels 6-10!" Mark Lani CPT
PI4LXtreme Series